
Showing posts from November, 2020

[Article translation] Animal Crossing Wild World celebrates its 15th anniversary today.

"Animal Crossing: Wild World" celebrates its 15th anniversary. The game published for the Nintendo DS took the world by storm reaching record-setting sales and introduced internet functionalities to the game. "Animal Crossing: Wild World" first went on sale on November 23rd, 2005, in Japan. Today marks its 15th anniversary. Published by Nintendo, the game presents itself as a communication game.  This is the fourth game of the popular video game franchise, in which you interact with lots of unique animals, participate in various seasonal events, and enjoy a peaceful life. Every Animal Crossing game before this one were updated versions of the first game, Animal Crossing: Wild World being the first entirely new game. The game was an absolute hit throughout the world, maybe because it granted a wish fans had been holding for ages.  It became a longtime bestseller, always topping the sales rankings with over 5 million copies sold in Japan, and over 11 million worldwide...

[Article translation] Pictures taken with a 100M-pixel resolution of snowflakes reveal an otherworldly beauty:

  Everyone knows about the beauty of snowflakes but when you take a closer look at high resolution pictures, the details in their geometrical structures make them look out of this world. Photographer Nathan Myhrvold used a special home-made camera to capture snowflakes in the highest resolution ever. However, snowflakes are extremely small and fragile in nature, and of course can only be photographed in cold snowy places, add to this the need for equipment, and you have the recipe for an incredibly difficult task. First of all, Myhrvold realized that the best temperature range for the most beautiful snowflakes to form was from -26°C to -29°C, so he headed to Canada's Northwest Territories and Alaska to be able to shoot at that temperature range.   Then, as ice sublimates and melts, snowflakes take their sharp and hexagonal shape for a brief moment, but capturing this on camera requires a precise combination of time, temperature, weather, and equipment. Myhrvold spent 18 months...

The origins of the AquaMarine lovey-dovey ship

  Video: The origins of the AquaMarine lovey-dovey ship: Hi everyone! It has been a while hasn't it? —again— I've been extremely busy these past few weeks, mainly because I've been trying to think of what to translate from now on to improve as much as I can. I've uploaded a few videos on my YouTube channel in the meantime so I'll be sharing them throughout the next few days. I also plan on going back to translating horror stories, and if possible science articles and videogame related articles too, if anything it'll be my way to get used to translating anything related to these fields! In this video Marine plays with Aqua for a bit, and she realizes they could make a ship together on Minecraft! So she harasses   asks Aqua whether she'd agree to partake in this endeavor. Needless to say, this video's title should give Aqua's answer away. As always, I want you to discover the rest of the video by yourself so I'll just leave it at that. That's a...